- What and what la? Try to laugh at me. 就算是我投降好了。
- How do I know what to do and what not to do? 我怎么知道什么该做,什么不该做?
- I bought sugar, tea, eggs and what not. 我买了糖、茶、蛋等东西。
- Strip off the platform rhetoric and what you are left with? 揭掉那一套竞选政纲的花言巧语,你还剩下什么?
- He is a good scholar, and what is more, a good teacher. 他是一位渊博的学者,而且是一位优秀的教师。
- What and if everyone who was invited comes? 如果被邀请的人都来了怎么办?
- He sent me books, magazines, newspapers, pictures, and what not. 他送给我一些书、杂志、报纸、图画等等。
- It is never clear who is in charge of what and why. 而谁负什么责,为什么负责则从来不清楚。
- Beware what and to whom you speak. 小心你说出的话和说话的对象。
- What with the wind and what with the rain, our trip was ruined. 又是刮风又是下雨,我们的旅游都给搞砸了。
- UnitEight Section A What and How Much to Report? 报道什么?报道多少?
- Identify How, Whom, What and When to investigate. 确定调查的内容、方法、时间和人员。
- What and affection are concerned Orphean net name? 有什么与情感有关又好听的网名?
- Mike: What and break family tradition? 迈克:想破坏咱家的传统?
- And what caused us to rethink this so quickly? 是什么使我们这么快地重新考虑这个问题?
- And what would you like for the main course? 您主菜喜欢吃点什么呢?
- What is an anticodon, and what is its function? 什麽是反密码子,功能为?
- And what do you think about the marketing prospect? 你觉得市场前景怎么样?
- And what kinds of books would you like to buy? 你想买些什么书呢?
- And what vegetable would you like to go with it? 您愿意配些什么蔬菜呢?